CODESA, is a current times leading company, with a wide vision of the market. Equipped with a State-of-the-Art Technology and a highly specialized team, that jealously preserves a deep traditional handcraft. We understand that the elaboration of the salted anchovy products is an art and the satisfaction of our clients is our desired reward.
Craftsmanship with a deep canning tradition.
The result of this joint endeavor is a smooth, clean, fleshy anchovy, with an unmistakable texture and colored flavor not being repeated itself apart from in the memory of the palate.
The “ savoir faire” of our canning Master “ Julián Fernández”, living legacy of our canning Master Celestino Fernández “Tinín”, makes that the anchovy ´s final bouquet remind us to which could be known as “the Ham of the Sea”.

These are some of the words that define our anchovies and specially, our Limited Edition – Pink Series, matured integrally in Himalayan Pink Salt and Ecological Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
As a result of three years of hard work, researching the best salting, tasting, analytics, nutritional reports and finally, the presentation of the patent, we launch an unique product in the world “Made in Cantabria”, even more healthy and gourmet. Elaborated from three top quality ingredients, “Spring Fishing Season” Cantabrian Anchovies matured over a bed of Himalayan Pink Salt and embraced by the best Ecological Extra Virgin Olive Oil from “ Almazaras de la Subbética”.
A product unique in the world “Made in Cantabria”.
The result is an anchovy that keeps THE TRADITIONAL TASTE, clean, fleshy, with a soft and smooth texture, with a higher value in Calcium and Magnesium in ratios of +33% and +44% respectively, as it is endorsed by the Spanish Society of Community Nutrition (S.E.N.C).

Our commitment to tradition has brought to CODESA an acknowledged prestige in the canning industry.
Gold Medal
Laredo 1998
Best European Handcraft
Producer 2013
“3 stars”
Brussels 2014
Diamond to the Excellence
Madrid 2017
“Crystal Award”
Brussels 2018
“3 stars”
Brussels 2016-17-18
Our stable quality line has given us the recommendation and the opportunity to collaborate wtith:

In addition to our engagement with the society and the environment, certifying that the 100% of the electrical energy consumed in CODESA comes from renewable sources, we are associated with: